

* Guestbook?

Cool Software Delphi FFSupport

Frame Fun Support

Now just before you think there will be full-featured support for FrameFun, think again. That product is Freeware and I don't have neither the time nor the capacity to "do support" all the time. This Page works like the Guestbook? but for FrameFun, so that inquiries don't clutter up the "praise page".

Very limited e-mail support ("best effort") via

The fine print: This page will be moderated. Unsuitable entries will be removed without prior notice, at the discretion of the site owner. Fields with an * are mandatory.
Of course, the homepage is optional. And your name doesn't have to be the real one either.
What you have to do, however, is to fill in the little mathematical question at the end of the form. I am sorry for the inconvenience, but I had to do it to deter spam bots a bit.

21 January 2008: Okay, it looks like we have some script kiddies again. Guestbook closed until further notice. Write an email... <sigh>

12 December 2007 11:52 by Lutz P.

Hi, auch ich bin begeistert vom Programm. Aber ich befürchte, ich komme nicht ganz mit der Stapelverarbeitung klar.

Was muß ich da bei "Aktion" eintragen? Gibts da eine Befehlsvorgabe? Das Feld ist leer...

Gruß Lutz

Die jeweiligen Einstellungen lassen sich einzeln speichern (Einstellungen/speichern...). Mehrere solche Einstellungen lassen sich zu einer Aktion ("Makro") zusammenfassen (Aktionen/verwalten...). Bei der Stapelverarbeitung kann nun die jeweils aktuelle Einstellung oder gleich so ein Makro auf die Bilder losgelassen werden.
Ansonsten - schreib' mir ein Mail ()... --Ben

23 September 2007 11:21 by prasad

FrameFun is a wonderful programme. Could you please provide the exact settings for the example "A white frame, a thin black border and a dark grey shadow at 225°" I tried to use several modifications, but it didnt come out just like the illustration, thanks

a 25px white frame, a 1px black border, a 6px grey (96-96-96) blurred shadow at 225°. If that doesn't work, drop me a message to ). --Ben
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